Best quotes dr patrick:
Spoiler for 1:
SB: I hate you, Patrick. P: I hate you too. SB: I hate you no matter what. P: I�d hate you even if I didn�t hate you. SB: I�d hate you even if that made sense. P: I�d hate you even if you were me. That�s how much I hate you. |
P: Aku benci juga.
SB: Aku benci kau tak peduli apapun itu!
P: Aku akan membencimu bahkan jika aku tidak membencimu.
SB: Aku akan membencimu bahkan jika itu masuk akal.
P: Aku benci kau bahkan jika kau jadi aku. Itulah betapa aku membencimu.
Spoiler for 2:
P: Do you know what is funnier than 23? SB: What? P: 24 |
SpB: apa itu?
keren nih gan favorit ane
Spoiler for 3:
SB: I�m MAD! P: Me too. SB: Why are YOU mad? P: [looks up, and seethes] I can�t see my forehead! Why are YOU mad? |
P: saya juga !
SB: Kenapa kamu marah?
P : saya ga bisa melihat dahiku sendiri ! kalo kamu?
Spoiler for 4:
S : so this is your job?!? sit here and watch tv. P: hey its not as easy as it seems..somtimes i lose the remote..somtimes i need to fix the tvb anteenna and somtimes my butt hurts! |
P: Hey, ini tidak segampang yg kamu lihat. kadang saya kehilangan remotenya,kadang saya harus memperbaiki antena tv,dan kadang pantat saya sakit !!
Spoiler for 5:
S: Patrick, how long has it been? [Patrick looks at his watch, which is just drawn on his wrist with crayon] P: Aw, I have to draw a new battery for this. |
P: (melihat jam tangannya yg digambar sendiri pake pen) wah,saya harus menggambar batere baru untuk ini
Spoiler for 6:
P: [to a bird] Whistling SB: Patrick, I didn�t know you speak bird. P: That�s not bird Spongebob; that�s Italian. |
SB: Patrick, saya tidak tau kamu bisa bahasa burung.
P: itu bukan bahasa burung spongebob, itu bahasa italy
Spoiler for 7:
Spongebob: (blows a bubble in the shape of an elephant) P: It�s a Giraffe !! |
Spoiler for 8:
Patrick: �MINDY! Did you see my underwear?� Mindy: �No Patrick� P: �Do you want to?� |
P: MINDY! apakah kamu melihat celana dalam saya??
Mindy: tidak patrick
P: maukah kamu melihatnya?
Spoiler for 9:
SpongeBob : Remember, Patrick, flatter the customer. [knocks on door] Fish: Hello? P: I love you. [Fish slams door] |
(mengetuk pintu)
orang: Hello?
P: aku cinta kamu
(orang menutup pintu)
Spoiler for 10:
P: Is mayonnaise an instrument? |
Spoiler for 11:
P:Are you Squidward? SQ: no (few second) P:Are you Squidward now? SQ: NO! |
SQ(org lain mirip squidward): tidak
(beberapa detik kemudian)
P:Apakah kamu squidward sekarang?
SQ(org lain mirip squidward): TIDAK!
Spoiler for 12:
SB : What are you normally do when I�m gone? P : Wait for you to get back. |
P : menunggu kamu kembali.
Spoiler for 13:
P: I�ll tell you a little story called �The Ugly Barnacle�: Once there was a very ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died. The End. |
Spoiler for 14:
P: SpongeBob? Pssssssssst, Spongebob? psssssssssssst. I have something important to tell you! Psssssssssssst. SB: WHAT!!! Patrick:Hi |
S: APA??
P: Hai
Spoiler for 15:
SB: Waht did u eat today P: A roast beef a chicken a pizza SB: No no, just think morning P: A roast beef a chicken a pizza |
P: Sebuah daging ayam panggang dan pizza
S: Tidak, tidak, pagi hari tadi??
P: Sebuah daging ayam panggang dan pizza
Spoiler for 16:
SN: �Patrick, don�t you have somewhere else to be stupid?� P: Not until 4:00. |
SN: Patrick, jangan Anda punya tempat lain untuk menjadi bodoh?
P: Tidak sampai 04:00.
P: Tidak sampai 04:00.

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